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NetIQ IDM - Query Entitlement value from another driver

Wanted to share very important peice of code shared by Microfocus employee "Dhaval" in the NetIQ support forums


<actions> <do-set-local-variable name="entitlementDN" scope="policy"> <arg-string> <token-text xml:space="preserve">entitlement DN you want</token-text> </arg-string> </do-set-local-variable> <do-set-local-variable name="prevEntRef" scope="policy"> <arg-node-set> <token-query class-name="User" scope="entry"> <arg-dn> <token-dest-dn /> </arg-dn> <arg-string> <token-text xml:space="preserve">DirXML-EntitlementRef</token-text> </arg-string> </token-query> </arg-node-set> </do-set-local-variable> <do-for-each> <arg-node-set> <token-local-variable name="prevEntRef" /> </arg-node-set> <arg-actions> <do-if> <arg-conditions> <and> <if-xpath op="true">$current-node/attr/value[component[@name="volume"]/text()=$entitlementDN and component[@name="nameSpace"]/text()="1"]</if-xpath> </and> </arg-conditions> <arg-actions> <do-set-local-variable name="isGranted" scope="policy"> <arg-string> <token-text xml:space="preserve">true</token-text> </arg-string> </do-set-local-variable> </arg-actions> <arg-actions> <do-set-local-variable name="isGranted" scope="policy"> <arg-string> <token-text xml:space="preserve">false</token-text> </arg-string> </do-set-local-variable> </arg-actions> </do-if> </arg-actions> </do-for-each> </actions>


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