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Showing posts from July, 2017

NetIQ IDM - Strip unwanted group member values from current operation

This code example shows how to remove unwanted group members from current operation based on some business logic. Optimization group members add to avoid  "ALREADY_EXIST_VALUE" kind of errors. when IDM engine fails to do so. Here I am doing look up in AD for members, and for each added member from IDM if user is already member of AD group, i am just striping out current member value from the current operaiton. < do-set-local-variable name = "group-dn" scope = "policy" > < arg-string > < token-src-dn /> </ arg-string > </ do-set-local-variable > < do-set-local-variable name = "group-members" scope = "policy" > < arg-node-set > < token-dest-attr class-name = "Group" name = "Member" /> </ arg-node-set > </ do-set-local-variable > < do-trace-message > < arg-string

NetIQ IDM - Query Entitlement value from another driver

Wanted to share very important peice of code shared by Microfocus employee " Dhaval" in the NetIQ support forums Ref: < actions > < do-set-local-variable name = "entitlementDN" scope = "policy" > < arg-string > < token-text xml:space = "preserve" > entitlement DN you want </ token-text > </ arg-string > </ do-set-local-variable > < do-set-local-variable name = "prevEntRef" scope = "policy" > < arg-node-set > < token-query class-name = "User" scope = "entry" > < arg-dn > < token-dest-dn /> </ arg-dn > < arg-string > < token-text xml:space = "preserve" > DirXML-EntitlementRef &l

NetIQ IDM - Adding operation-data to subscriber command transformaiton custom commands

Recently i had to execute EOL cmdlets using psexecute though new NetIQ azure ad driver, since this operation is fire and forget in nature, i would like to track whole request and response for my own generated commands from subscriber command transofrmaiton policy, so i solved it by following policy: < do-set-dest-attr-value direct = "true" name = "psexecute" > < arg-association > < token-resolve datastore = "src" > < arg-dn > < token-text xml:space = "preserve" > {userref} </ token-text > </ arg-dn > </ token-resolve > </ arg-association > < arg-value type = "string" > < token-local-variable name = "cmdlet" /> </ arg-value > </ do-set-dest-attr-value > < do-append-xml-element expression = "../modify[@direct]" na