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Delegation mailbox through EWS managed API 2.0

Goal to create NETIQ Identity Manager Driver integeration for Microsoft Exchange using EWS(Exchange Web Services) managed API 2.0

the error:
'The specified object was not found in the store.'

finally things are working fine when i poll the exchange mailbox for a specified user in the single forest single domain environment, but situation i came across was to read a resource mailbox using a different user account creds home in different AD forest using EWS..

So it was all about Delegation.. well the environment i was working was little bit different then things usually seems to be happen in dreams and in books/documentation world..  the Exchange was hosted as a "Accoutn/Resource" forest deployment fashion, that mean my user account was homed in a different forest then the Exchange resource mailbox.

they way  i worked it out was by applying a powershell on the exchange mailbox such as:

Add-MailboxPermission -Identity 'CN=testMailbox,OU=Test,DC=ad,DC=resource,DC=com' -User 'Account\maqsood' -AccessRights 'FullAccess'

I could not find the EMC(Exchange Management Console)  much of help to add the user from different Account forest from within Managed Full Access Permission option.

Then i changed my code FROM_

Folder rootfolder = Folder.Bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Inbox);


 Folder rootfolder = Folder.Bind(service, new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ResourcePrimaryEmailAddress").ToString()));  

any yes, things much better!..

and now its time to tear up the test!


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