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FIM2010 And Novell eDirectory 8.8 SP3 (20216.80)

Okk... finally I have now installed FIM2010 after doing lots of programming excercises on ILM 2007 software..

my first try was to setup a Novell eDirectory Management Agent in FIM2010... uH... It really didn't work...

LDAP traces on the Novell Directory shows that FIM2010 is asking for something here

LDAP : New cleartext connection 0x456d5c0 from FIMIDIOT:21575, monitor = 0x684, index = 1
LDAP : DoBind on connection 0x456d5c0
LDAP : Bind name:**********, version:3, authentication:simple
LDAP : Sending operation result 0:"":"" to connection 0x456d5c0
LDAP : DoSearch on connection 0x456d5c0
LDAP : Search request:
base: ""
scope:0 dereference:0 sizelimit:0 timelimit:0 attrsonly:0
filter: "(objectClass=*)"
attribute: "vendorVersion"
LDAP : Sending search result entry "" to connection 0x456d5c0
LDAP : Sending operation result 0:"":"" to connection 0x456d5c0
LDAP : DoUnbind on connection 0x456d5c0
LDAP : Connection 0x456d5c0 closed

After posting a Bug to the Connect(Beta)... i was told to try following:

Tune your eDirectory server to "Enable old ADSI and Netscape schema output" which is according to iManager is a "Nonstandard Behaviors" :)

And create registry key on your FIM2010 server with following hives

HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/FIMSynchronizationService/Parameters/eDirectoryMASupportedServers Reg_multi_sz
In the value, add the vendorVersion value obtained, e.g. in my scenario
"LDAP Agent for Novell eDirectory 8.8 SP3 (20216.80)"

WoW!!..finally i got my FIM2010 Management Agent talked to the Novell eDirectory server!!


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