Comparing Local Variable value with GCVs in the Policy Builder...
I had to comapre a value from the local variable with a value from a global variable.., so i was thinking how to to solve this?..
well after some search.. i solved it!
Suppose you have a lcoal variable name called : lcl-myVariable and you want to compare the value of that local variable with a Global variable's value in the Policy Builder:
so that would be:
if lcl-myVariable = ~global-myVariable~
and same goes with the comparing local variable values with the local variables values
if lcl-myVariable = $local-myVariable$
the second option might be creating a java String Utility Classes, which would be little overkill for this solution, i guess...
I had to comapre a value from the local variable with a value from a global variable.., so i was thinking how to to solve this?..
well after some search.. i solved it!
Suppose you have a lcoal variable name called : lcl-myVariable and you want to compare the value of that local variable with a Global variable's value in the Policy Builder:
so that would be:
if lcl-myVariable = ~global-myVariable~
and same goes with the comparing local variable values with the local variables values
if lcl-myVariable = $local-myVariable$
the second option might be creating a java String Utility Classes, which would be little overkill for this solution, i guess...