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Showing posts from January, 2008

Novell IdM/DirXML : Determine direction of a Merge operation?

Recently, i was doing some stuff based on on the Merge operation on the Command Transformation ( Subscriber), but somehow those of my rules were being triggerd even if Merge operation was coming from (publisher).. and it was really bugging me a lot.. after spending few seconds, i figured out a maigc default Novell boolean local variable in the policy builder called 'fromNDS'!! so adding another condition to those of my rulles like this += if (fromNDS) = true saved me from writing my own java utility class..

Novell IdM/DirXML : Deleting Publisher Event Cache on MAD (Microsoft Active Directory IdM driver)

Usually when you want to purge the event cache on the IdM driver, you usually put the driver state to disabled first and hitting it back to enabled state will work out. but that kills only the events which were waiting on the Subscriber ends... What about the purgeing events on the publiser end ???? My Scenario: I was running a IDM 3.5.1 MAD driver between IDVault and Microsoft Active Directory, loading driver shim with Remote Loader on the other end. I wanted to purge events waiting on the publisher end. the solution came out something like this: a) on the dirver object there is an attribute called DirXML-DriverStorage. Delete it. b) On the other end (where your remote loader is up and running). Delete the driver state file _DriverObjectDNAndDriverName>.xml. c) Now start the Driver Engine and Remote Loader..